Friday, February 17, 2012


Contest "Show Your Love" is coming to an end tonight! =) Thank you to all who have participated, whether you entered or voted for your dear friends! Thank you all!!! =) A big hello and warm welcome to all of our new fans!!!! Excited to have you! The winner will be announced tomorrow morning via BLOG! Yes, this very one! EXCiTiNG! There weren't as many participants as I had hoped for, but excited for the ones I have!! Being new and just starting out it is tough, I know, but I am very excited for all the upcoming events and ideas I have planned!!! =)

After this comes to an end, and the weekend passes by, I am excited to announce that we will be doing EXPEDiTED CONTESTS!!! What is that exactly you ask?! Well, there will be a WiNNER EVERY HOUR!!! So stay tuned for your chance to win EVERY HOUR! I am not sure what day we will be begin, but it will be a lot of fun, and you will have lots of chances to win many different types of freebies!! =) You won't want to miss out! Here is a sneak peek at the expedited contests coming SOON!!!! <3

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