Saturday, February 18, 2012

We Have a Winner!!

The "Show Your Love" for Shashlye Photography contest has come to an end. This was a contest where people would share the photo and then send their friends over to Shashlye Photography "liking the page" as well as "commenting" with the name of the person who sent them! =) Started off slow, but ended up getting a pretty close run in the end.... Thank you to ALL who participated!!! There will be more contests coming  your way, so be sure you "like" Shashlye Photography, as well as Shashlye, and follow this blog to stay up on what is new, discounts, promotionals, giveaways, etc!!!

And now... the moment we have all been waiting for! Only one person can be the winner! Receiving a MiniYou Photo Session of choice.....

Drum roll, please.....

Congratualtions, Ms Shanlee! I will be messaging you/emailing you soon for details and what you have in mind for your FREE session!!! Thank you again, and I am very excited to be working with you!!! YAY!!! Congratulations!!!! :)

Friday, February 17, 2012


Contest "Show Your Love" is coming to an end tonight! =) Thank you to all who have participated, whether you entered or voted for your dear friends! Thank you all!!! =) A big hello and warm welcome to all of our new fans!!!! Excited to have you! The winner will be announced tomorrow morning via BLOG! Yes, this very one! EXCiTiNG! There weren't as many participants as I had hoped for, but excited for the ones I have!! Being new and just starting out it is tough, I know, but I am very excited for all the upcoming events and ideas I have planned!!! =)

After this comes to an end, and the weekend passes by, I am excited to announce that we will be doing EXPEDiTED CONTESTS!!! What is that exactly you ask?! Well, there will be a WiNNER EVERY HOUR!!! So stay tuned for your chance to win EVERY HOUR! I am not sure what day we will be begin, but it will be a lot of fun, and you will have lots of chances to win many different types of freebies!! =) You won't want to miss out! Here is a sneak peek at the expedited contests coming SOON!!!! <3

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mind is PLANNiNG!

hi there!!!

I am excited about MANY things right now!!! First and foremost, WE ARE MOViNG!!! =) My family and I have decided we need to be closer to family and are heading back to Oklahoma! <3 Very exciting!!

Not stopping my thoughts, and inspirations... NO NO NO... if anything, ENHANCiNG! I have many BiG PLANS & iDEAS and I cannot wait to channel them all correctly and one by one.... So expect big, fun, exciting things coming your way from Shashlye!

I am broadening my creative belt, by getting more serious about my crochet hand. I will be attending a workshop, so I can bring you those adorable little newborn-toddler props.... beanies, bonnets, character beanies, leg warmers, diaper/bottom covers, etc.... as well as the tulle/frilly side of things... will be making more TUTUs, dresses, bows, etc. =) So yes, I am very excited about what my creative hands will be bringing forth in these next few months!!!

As for the side of me that is always with camera in hand... I have tons and tons of ideas and creative looks that I want so badly to see in front of me, and printed out .... channeling, and translating my artistic hand and passion for photography into captured photographs for you and your family!!! Sooooooo, I may be contacting you for Portfolio Sessions, if you haven't already come to me.... and when  you do WATCH OUT and go with the flow... :) I canNOT wait to share my visions with all of you!!! <3 Thank you AHEAD of TiME!!! #Excited!

I am also teaming up with a friend/photographer, Jacquelyn, from With Faith Comes Photography, in bigger events and newborn sessions.... we will aid each other on propping, bringing a second pair of eyes, as well as an extra set of hands!! =) We will be making plans for Event/Marathon photo shoots, as well as bigger events, such as weddings, parties, etc... having two photographers who have a passion and love for this industry, and an eye for creativity! Beauty-licious by Shashlye, will be available for these types of items.... which means there will be a HairStylist/MakeUpArtist on the scene at all times! So very excited for what is in store for the two of us! ShashlyePhotography + WithFaithComesLovePhotography = Two Aspiring Photographers, ready to Capture Beautiful Unique You! <3

On my web assisting, web design, bulletin, posters, watermark creating side... I am hoping to continue obtaining clients and helping them bring out the best of what they have to offer through the web!! =)

Sighhh... as for now, all of these things are being planned, but being post-poned, until my arrival date in Oklahoma!!! So please be sure to FOLLOW my blog and receive your updates, so you don't miss out on anything!!! =)

With that all being said, I will close with this last thing.... from Shashlye Photography.

"I am looking for two lucky ladies interested in a maternity session! So please, if you are interested visit my page and "like" it and leave some love on my wall... also, email me at! Thank you and God bless!"